What better way to get rid of the Monday blues than to wear something blue?

If you are w jewellery designer this new year will be great for you! With economy on the rise people get their confidence back and are much quicker to reach for the credit card than they did in last couple of years. And you, as a jewellery designer, should be on a mission to help them the best they can in return.
In Harry Fay we decided to start collaborating with other jewellery designers this year. It doesn’t matter if you are just beginning your adventure with silver and gold or you showcased your pieces all around a world – we would like to hear from you. We will share our expertise of the years on the line to discuss your designs, validate manufacturing feasibility and the way to introduce your own jewellery pieces to a worldwide market.
If you have a stack of pencil scratches, 3d cad drawings, photos of wax models or even finished silver product – please contact us at marcin (at) harryfay.co.uk.