What better way to get rid of the Monday blues than to wear something blue?

International Women’s Day on 8th of March is a beautiful holiday which is gaining more and more well deserved recognition. The story is well described in this wikipedia article, but let’s focus on what is important here – our Moms, Grandmas, Daughters, Wives, Partners, Friends, Us – Women!
Please join us in this celebrations! Chocolate, red rose or a nice silver pendant (or all three of those!) make a perfect gift!
Silver Jewellery is different than almost anything else. It comes with a huge emotional baggage, it expresses affection and feelings. Only the bouquet of roses comes close when you look on the effect it has on the recipient. And the funny thing is that is as pleasant to give it as it is to receive it!
With a Valentines day almost upon up we have an opportunity to remind ourselves and our better halves what we feel and how we care. This is a special day. This is your second birthday – the cake is always good (isn’t it?), but on the actual birthday it tastes just better – thanks to the magic of emotions it carries. Jewellery is very similar – getting a silver heart necklace on 14th of February remains in memory for ever. I know it, because I got one and I cherish both the necklace and the memory.